Saturate with light!!!
Post version: 3.0
This quest (Saturate with light!!!) is being postponed to the future. The blog still needs to grow more before we perform it, as it wouldn't be fair and effective if only a small number of people participated. Help us grow so we can perform it in the future.
Make this viral.
It's time to saturate our planet with positivity. Therefore we are starting another global quest of the ground crew light forces of Earth.
You can share this quest with your contacts and spread this information far and wide, so the critical mass of 144.000 quest participants can be reached. You can create promotional videos and images to help us reach our goal as well.
To participate in any of our quests, you must agree with our terms. Don't forget to read the safety warnings of this quest.
The objective of this quest is simple: To plant Cintamani stones around as many negative places as possible. Places like cemeteries, abandoned hospitals, azylums, slaughterhouses, old battlefields, haunted houses and etc. This will create a very positive field around the area that will start to neutralize it's negativity.
It is important to note that there is no need to enter the area of the negative place, since the Cintamani stones can anchor light in a wide area. We will post here the exact area range in the future, because we still have to confirm this information.
It is also important to note that we will post, here in the blog, some videos and pictures that the quests participants will send us (see contact information) completing the quest.
We do not recommend, however, to send the exact locations of the planted stones, because dark agents could scoop them out. Only pictures and videos of areas a little bit close to the places will be enough. Smartphones and other gadgets shouldn't be used at the time of the quest if possible, because they have tracking devices.
The starting date of the quest will be ** **th, ****. Because we need to give people time to buy their Cintamani stones, and for the parcel to arrive. That date may or may not change, and if it changes, it will be updated here.
You can buy your Cintamani stones here:
Those light workers and light warriors who don't have money to buy a Cintamani Stone, please, don't feel sad, there will be many quests in this blog that people will be able to perform for free. So please be part of the quest by spreading the information about it, and energetically helping it with positive energies!
We were informed that only Cintamani stones can be used for this
quest. We created another quest to be
performed next month, around december 12th, so we don't have to wait untill ** **** to perform our first quest.
The "Saturate with light" quest was supposed to be our first global quest, but due to "unforeseen situations", it has to be the ** one.
We would like to ask the staff of to prepare as many stones as possible for
the ground crew to buy in mass for this quest. We also ask for their support, and the support of the Resistance Movement.
Please, do not plant the stones in private or illegal areas, don't put your personal safety or the personal safety of others at risk. It is recommended to apply energetic personal safety techniques before the quest. This quest is following every law of the countries and we won't be responsible for any negative scenarios. There is plenty of time to plan the operation correctly.
Information about Cintamani stones:
For any updates regarding the quest, please check our blog.
(Quest postponed)
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