Quest report (December 12th)
Global quest result report.
The We love, we care global quest has failed. It looks like a considerable part of the ground crew may not love and care about the animals, as nobody except me participated.
A lot of people were invited, more than one thousand, and there are no excuses, as there was enough time to prepare.
I am, although, very proud of myself, because at least I tried to make something good and positive. I’d like to understand HOW people who were supposed to be the vanguard in the liberation process aren’t able to unite to help ANIMALS. It was not about me, but about the ANIMALS of our world.
If the quest had succeed, it was supposed to be a seed, to stimulate people doing charity more often, and other quests were planned.
Actually, it’s sad to see how the ground crew act like beggars sometimes. Adults begging for liberation to a FOREIGN MILITARY. The beings who live in the Pleiades are NOT responsible for our mess. It was humanity who invited the dark forces to Earth. Ok, it was a mistake, but the pleiadians, with their perfect lives have NOTHING to do with it, and the Source doesn't want and WON’T force anybody in the free universe to help.
We wait for liberation since 2012, some people even before it, and have seen almost zero tangible results on the physical plane. The cabal is still in power and people still have to struggle to survive. Just imagine if this keeps up until 2025 or more, are we going to sit down and wait to be rescued, while our personal lives fall apart?
God help us that it will happen soon, if not, we are ruined, given the level of passivity of the ones who were supposed to be leaders.
A partnership doesn't mean we have only to do meditations. They are of course very important, but WHY can’t we get together to help the poor, for example? IT IS OUR PLANET, IT IS NOT THE PLANET OF THE ARCTURIANS. The planets of the Arcturians are perfect paradises.
Many of the world organizations which claim to do charity are in the hands of the cabal, corrupt, but the people have the power to do this with their own hands, and don’t use this power correctly.
The non response with this quest may have to do with me personally (I don’t care). Since the beginning in 2012, when I started commenting in Cobra’s blog, people triggered by the aholecons started to personally attack me for NO reason. Maybe it’s because I represent a danger for the dark ones, who knows…
When I defended myself from rude and cruel people, it was said I was doing “the infighting”.
The truth is that the people from this planet do not deserve liberation, humans are far from saints. It will happen only when we collectively deserve. The pandemic was part of the separation of the tares and wheat. It’s easy to want a paradise given for free, but it’s hard to commit to creating this paradise.
I share the belief that the most extreme victims of the cabal are negative beings reincarnated in human bodies. We want to help them and will continue helping, but the light must come from WITHIN them too, otherwise they are dependent from others and are not responsible for themselves. We are not mentally incapacitated.
I also don’t believe those toplet bombs are what prevents the event (i’m not at liberty to say why), but the process of justice, and the lack of commitment/merit from the terrans.
For me the event could have already happened long ago, maybe in 2012 when a galactic super-wave almost hit the earth.
Anyways, i’m going to continue working towards liberation. With meditations, petitions and physical ACTION as well. I don’t know what i’m going to do with this blog, since probably it won’t grow up, as people will be triggered by the aholecons not to cooperate with me.
It’s shameful that people who call themselves light workers or light warriors allow themselves to be manipulated by insects and other negative beings (even more scary is the fact that it DOES work).
This light worker community thing may be something like religion, which people say they believe in something, when actually act in the opposite way to what they say they believe, being only interested in the reward.
For the sake of the liberation process, I ask other leaders of the light forces, on the surface, to adopt this model of global missions whenever possible. The idea is good, just imagine an extremely strong cintamani grid. The darkness wouldn't have a chance to cope with us.
Well, good luck for those waiting to be rescued. I hope this happen soon, as I also want the event. But if it doesn’t, then we are collectively screwed.
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