About Global Quests for the Light Forces
It is time to ACT! We won't stand still anymore. There is plenty to do in our planet regarding its liberation and this blog is being created to guide the ground crew in more physical ways towards the event.
Here we will organize a lot of tangible ACTIONS to be taken by the light workers and light warriors of Earth, to help in this transition and make it happen faster.
A few examples of global quests will be: Mass planting of Cintamani Stones, Mass plant seeding around the world, global planet cleaning quests, meditations and other energetic objectives WITH boots on the ground, mass charity for animals and etc.
We'll work with the narrative from Cobra and the resistance movement, but we must remember that this is our planet and we can also share together a part of the leadership with our beloved star friends. We, the ground crew, are also part of the light forces, and doesn't matter what your narrative is, we all know our planet needs to be helped, and that is why this blog was created to unite us.
After each quest, we'll post here in the blog some videos and pictures that the participants will send to us, completing the quests.
We'll wait no more. It's time to ACT and take our planet back to the light side.
To participate in any of our quests, you must agree with our terms.
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