
Showing posts from November, 2021

December 12th quest update

We are approaching the date of our We love, We care global quest. Hundreds, if not thousands of people are aware of our quest. Keep helping us to increase the number of participants of this quest. The animals of our world will thank you! This is a banner created to help with the promotion of the quest:   Feel free to share it worldwide! Now our next update will be only a reminder, a few days before the quest. LET'S DO THIS! LET'S CREATE A BETTER WORLD OURSELVES!!!!!

First Global Quest promotional video

UPDATE: It is possible that something may be interfering with the viewer count of the video, as the numbers are not going up (or taking too long to). Please, don't be disencouraged by the view numbers and keep helping us reach the critical mass! Let's do this, for the animals!!!!! This is the promotional video of our first global quest, We love, we care! (Click on read more to view the video). Share it worldwide and help us reach the critical mass. Feel free to translate this video to other languages. Let's do this! Let's help the animals of our world!!!!

We love, we care!

UPDATE: A lot of people of the ground crew are being informed! Let's do this, for the animals of our world!!!! Make this viral. It's time to show the animals of the planet how much we love and care about them. Therefore we are starting the first global quest of the ground crew light forces of Earth. You can share this quest with your contacts and spread this information far and wide, so the critical mass of 144.000 quest participants can be reached. You can create promotional videos and images to help us reach our goal as well. To participate in any of our quests, you must agree with our terms . Don't forget to read the safety warnings of this quest. The objective of this quest will be to perform a charity or benevolent act to ANY animal you want, on December 12th 2021. It can be to domestic, wild, tamed or untamed, doesn't matter, as long as it is a loving act to an animal. You can feed animals who live on the streets, provide them water, help an animal somehow, adopt ...

Saturate with light!!!

Post version: 3.0  UPDATE: This quest (Saturate with light!!!) is being postponed to the future. The blog still needs to grow more before we perform it, as it wouldn't be fair and effective if only a small number of people participated. Help us grow so we can perform it in the future. Make this viral. It's time to saturate our planet with positivity. Therefore we are starting another global quest of the ground crew light forces of Earth. You can share this quest with your contacts and spread this information far and wide, so the critical mass of 144.000 quest participants can be reached. You can create promotional videos and images to help us reach our goal as well. To participate in any of our quests, you must agree with our terms . Don't forget to read the safety warnings of this quest. The objective of this quest is simple: To plant Cintamani stones around as many negative places as possible. Places like cemeteries, abandoned hospitals, azylums, slaughterhouses, old batt...

About Global Quests for the Light Forces

It is time to ACT! We won't stand still anymore. There is plenty to do in our planet regarding its liberation and this blog is being created to guide the ground crew in more physical ways towards the event . Here we will organize a lot of tangible ACTIONS to be taken by the light workers and light warriors of Earth, to help in this transition and make it happen faster.  A few examples of global quests will be: Mass planting of Cintamani Stones, Mass plant seeding around the world, global planet cleaning quests, meditations and other energetic objectives WITH boots on the ground, mass charity for animals and etc. We'll work with the narrative from Cobra and the resistance movement, but we must remember that this is our planet and we can also share together a part of the leadership with our beloved star friends. We, the ground crew, are also part of the light forces, and doesn't matter what your narrative is, we all know our planet needs to be helped, and that is why this bl...

Blog agreement terms

A few notes from the blog. Here in the blog we won't organize any quest that might be dangerous, ilegal, unethical, problematic and etc. for any of the participants. Minors must participate from the quests ONLY with their guardians. We must, however, declare from the beginning that we are NOT responsible for any damage, crimes, trouble, loss of life or any other negative event/activity from the blog's followers or anybody else. All quests will be accepted from the point of view of the law and will be chosen by the followers of the blog out of their free will. According to these statements, we declare that we are not responsible for any undesirable or unwanted scenario that might be related to this blog and it's staff. It is recommended to apply personal safety techniques before the quests. You can use your own, or the ones already presented to us by Cobra: You also need to read the security warnings that will be posted on ...

Contact information

You can contact us more privately at: Please, for sensitive and extra-private contact, write to us FROM a tutanota e-mail account only, to our address: It is also recommended to use Linux for extra-private contact if possible. For photos and videos of completed quests: Please,  send us your files at some of our e-mails with your name (if you want to stay anonymous, there is no problem) , country and the name of the area of the quest (can be anonymous as well). In some missions, due to security reasons, the exact location of the operations shouldn't be revealed. We'll select a number of photos, videos and etc. to post in the blog, so our network will become stronger and stronger untill we liberate our planet. Whenever possible, it is suggested for the photos and videos to be uploaded online by their owners, and send us only the links. This will make it easier for us to share here in the blog, instead of uploading it ourse...