Quest report (December 12th)
Global quest result report. The We love, we care global quest has failed. It looks like a considerable part of the ground crew may not love and care about the animals, as nobody except me participated. A lot of people were invited, more than one thousand, and there are no excuses, as there was enough time to prepare. I am, although, very proud of myself, because at least I tried to make something good and positive. I’d like to understand HOW people who were supposed to be the vanguard in the liberation process aren’t able to unite to help ANIMALS. It was not about me, but about the ANIMALS of our world. If the quest had succeed, it was supposed to be a seed, to stimulate people doing charity more often, and other quests were planned. Actually, it’s sad to see how the ground crew act like beggars sometimes. Adults begging for liberation to a FOREIGN MILITARY. The beings who live in the Pleiades are NOT responsible for our mess. It was humanity who invited the dark forces to Earth. Ok, i...