
Fix the world Global Quest

We decided to give another chance to the Ground Crew Light Forces of Earth. Therefore we are starting a very simple Global Quest, in which everyone can easily join.  All you have to do is to sign and share the petition: The plan to save the world. Update:  Petitions deleted, see the Quest Report .   Quest failed.

Quest report (December 12th)

Global quest result report. The We love, we care global quest has failed. It looks like a considerable part of the ground crew may not love and care about the animals, as nobody except me participated. A lot of people were invited, more than one thousand, and there are no excuses, as there was enough time to prepare. I am, although, very proud of myself, because at least I tried to make something good and positive. I’d like to understand HOW people who were supposed to be the vanguard in the liberation process aren’t able to unite to help ANIMALS. It was not about me, but about the ANIMALS of our world. If the quest had succeed, it was supposed to be a seed, to stimulate people doing charity more often, and other quests were planned. Actually, it’s sad to see how the ground crew act like beggars sometimes. Adults begging for liberation to a FOREIGN MILITARY. The beings who live in the Pleiades are NOT responsible for our mess. It was humanity who invited the dark forces to Earth. Ok, i...

Coming quest reminder

We are very close to december 12th, the day of our We love, we care global quest. This is a great opportunity to help the animals of our world. We invited a lot of people and there is still time to share the mission even more. Not only the animals will receive a reward. We will also receive a reward, and it will be the photos and videos that the quest participants will send, which will be posted here in the blog, so our network becomes stronger and stronger. Send your files to with your name (if you want to stay anonymous, there is no problem) , country and the name of the area of the quest (can be anonymous as well). Whenever possible, it is suggested for the photos and videos to be uploaded online by their owners, and send us only the links. This will make it easier for us to share here in the blog, instead of uploading it ourselves, and we will be able to share more images and videos. You can share your quest videos and images in your social network...

December 12th quest update

We are approaching the date of our We love, We care global quest. Hundreds, if not thousands of people are aware of our quest. Keep helping us to increase the number of participants of this quest. The animals of our world will thank you! This is a banner created to help with the promotion of the quest:   Feel free to share it worldwide! Now our next update will be only a reminder, a few days before the quest. LET'S DO THIS! LET'S CREATE A BETTER WORLD OURSELVES!!!!!

First Global Quest promotional video

UPDATE: It is possible that something may be interfering with the viewer count of the video, as the numbers are not going up (or taking too long to). Please, don't be disencouraged by the view numbers and keep helping us reach the critical mass! Let's do this, for the animals!!!!! This is the promotional video of our first global quest, We love, we care! (Click on read more to view the video). Share it worldwide and help us reach the critical mass. Feel free to translate this video to other languages. Let's do this! Let's help the animals of our world!!!!

We love, we care!

UPDATE: A lot of people of the ground crew are being informed! Let's do this, for the animals of our world!!!! Make this viral. It's time to show the animals of the planet how much we love and care about them. Therefore we are starting the first global quest of the ground crew light forces of Earth. You can share this quest with your contacts and spread this information far and wide, so the critical mass of 144.000 quest participants can be reached. You can create promotional videos and images to help us reach our goal as well. To participate in any of our quests, you must agree with our terms . Don't forget to read the safety warnings of this quest. The objective of this quest will be to perform a charity or benevolent act to ANY animal you want, on December 12th 2021. It can be to domestic, wild, tamed or untamed, doesn't matter, as long as it is a loving act to an animal. You can feed animals who live on the streets, provide them water, help an animal somehow, adopt ...